Sample manufactured and provided with the courtesy of PFW Aerospace GmbH
The aerospace industry is one of the leading industries in the use of additive manufacturing. Lightweight and freedom of construction, lead time and cost reductions of new components are some of the key factors here. Additive manufacturing offers a completely new approach to design and production. This particularly applies to processes such as the repair and reworking of selected components. Using 3D printing with wire feed stock improves the process efficiency and lower the production costs, meanwhile it increases the geometrical complexity of end products in addition of offering an eco-friendlier approach.
Precitec supports PFW Aerospace in Speyer, Germany in cooperation with French R&D Center Institut Maupertuis to create a process combining cost-effective manufacturing and additive geometrical characteristics of its star flange.
Sample manufactured and provided with the courtesy of PFW Aerospace GmbH