
[Translate to Italienisch:]
11 - 14 March 2025 in Lyon, France

Global Industrie Lyon

Global Industrie is the cornerstone of the french reindustrialization process, and a symbol of the commitment and pride of industry players. A showcase for territories, know-how and the inescapable presence of industry in our daily lives, it is first and foremost the business meeting place for those who make up the industry of today and tomorrow, and the relay for their fighting spirit.

Our team will be happy to meet you at booth 6M31.

11 - 13 March 2025 in Shanghai, China

Laser World of Photonics China

LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA, Asia’s largest trade fair for the photonics industry, has taken place in Shanghai every year since 2006. It presents the entire range of photonics in an international setting, tailored to the specific needs of the Chinese market.

Our team will be glad to meet you at booth N1.1300.

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26 - 28 March 2025 in Beijing, China

Semicon China

The PRECITEC 3D Metrology Team is looking forward to welcome you at our booth No. N1-1619.

23 - 25 April 2024 in Chengdu, China

CDIIF - Chengdu International Industry Fair

As one of the largest and most influential industry fairs worldwide, Chengdu International Industry Fair (CDIIF) chooses Chengdu - the important manufacturing base and strategic region of China, is created to serve the needs of China’s industry upgrading and transformation. CDIIF is dedicated to display the future look of the industry, put focus on China intelligent manufacturing.

Precitec Logo Event Control
6 - 9 May 2025 in Stuttgart (DE)



Il Controllo copre tutti gli aspetti teorici e presenta l'attuale offerta globale di tecnologie, metodi, prodotti e soluzioni di sistema utilizzabili per l'assicurazione della qualità industriale nella pratica. Presenta le ultime innovazioni e le migliori pratiche del settore.

Il team di metrologia 3D di PRECITEC è lieto di darvi il benvenuto presso il nostro stand nel padiglione 5, stand 5404.


Logo CSMantech
May 19 - 22, 2025, New Orleans, LA, USA

CS MANTECH Conference

CSMANTECH is a not-for-profit organization whose focus is to provide a forum for members of the compound semiconductor community to exchange and discuss new ideas to better serve the public in general.

CSMANTECH accomplishes this through an annual international conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology. The conference is comprised of technical papers, talks, workshops, and manufacturer exhibits and is open to anyone who is interested in the latest advances in compound semiconductor manufacturing and device technology.

The PRECITEC 3D Metrology Team is looking forward to welcome you at our booth #211.


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June, 3 - 5, 2025, Barcelona, SP



EuroBrake was founded in 2012 to create a high-calibre, annual technical conference and leadership event for the braking and friction technology community. EuroBrake provides an opportunity for the global braking and friction technology community to meet to promote technological advancements, share knowledge, gain corporate visibility and network with international peers. Now in its 13th year, EuroBrake is established as the largest technical event of its kind, attracting 1,000 delegates. The event offers a significant technical programme with more than 100 presentations and 100 exhibitors from across the value chain.

The PRECITEC 3D Metrology Team is looking forward to welcome you at our booth E91.


[Translate to Italienisch:] Precitec is exhibitor at The Battery Show Europe in Stuttgart
03 - 05 June 2025 in Stuttgart, Germany

The Battery Show Europe

Connecting expert industry leaders, top battery manufacturers and inquiring buyers all under one roof! Get ready to learn about and explore the latest advancements in battery and electric vehicle technology in 2025.

Meet us in hall 8 at booth G61!

11 - 14 August in Mumbai, India

Automation Expo Mumbai

Our team will be glad to meet you onsite!

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01 - 03 September 2025 in New Delhi, IN

Semicon India 2025

The PRECITEC 3D Metrology Team is looking forward to welcome you at our booth.