Thickness measurement of opaque and semi-transparent coatings with laser photothermal technology.

Enovasense honored as inVision Top Innovation 2024

Thickness measurement of opaque and semi-transparent coatings with laser photothermal technology.

Once again this year, a jury consisting of the trade magazine inVision and independent industry experts has selected the ten top innovations. With Enovasense's laser photothermal technology, coating thicknesses of all types can be measured on any substrate material - without damaging the measured material. This also convinced the jury, which named the Enovasense product as a Top Innovation 2024.

Laser photothermal technology now an integral part of the Precitec portfolio

Precitec acquired a majority stake in the French start-up Enovasense in 2022. Enovasense's sensors expand the application possibilities for Precitec customers as they are able to accurately measure the thickness of opaque layers or coatings as well as nanometer-thin layers. This expansion of the portfolio will further strengthen Precitec's position in markets such as the semiconductor industry, consumer electronics or electromobility and offers enormous new growth opportunities for Enovasense.

Examples of inline applications

Laser photothermal technology enables non-contact, non-destructive, non-intrusive, radiation-free, fast, repeatable and highly reproducible measurements. It can make a crucial difference in a wide range of industrial applications by precisely monitoring and controlling the thickness or weight of coatings or layers. Key applications include the control of anti-corrosion coatings and laser clad coatings on automotive brake discs, measuring the thickness and weight of carbon coatings, monitoring paint thickness on battery cells for e-mobility, inline control of powder coating thickness and measuring the thickness of opaque semiconductor coatings.

Further information on laser photothermal technology and the Enovasense product.

Click here for the winners of the Top Innovations 2024 in alphabetical order.

inVision Award für Enovasense 2024

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