Precitec acquires majority stake in Paris-based Enovasense

Precitec has acquired a majority stake in the French start-up Enovasense with its technology to measure the thickness of all kinds of coatings on any substrate. The remaining shares are held by the two founders, Jean Inard-Charvin and Geoffrey Bruno, who will continue to lead the company on its growth path. Closing took place on 30 November 2022. The parties have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.

Enovasense has developed an innovative laser technology to measure the thickness of all kinds of coatings (e.g. metal, ceramic, paint, polymers, glue, etc.). The laser device enables fast, non-contact, non-destructive measurement of any coating – without damaging the material measured. The customer portfolio of Enovasense includes a number of major industrial companies. Up to now, their patented laser-based technology has been mainly sold in France, but also in other countries via sales partners.

Enovasense’s sensors will broaden the field of possible applications for Precitec customers through their ability to accurately measure the thickness of opaque layers or coatings as well as nanometer-thin coatings. The enhanced portfolio will further strengthen the position of Precitec in markets such as semiconductors, consumer electronics or e-mobility, while offering Enovasense tremendous growth opportunities.

Dr. Thilo Wersborg, the Precitec Group CEO: “By acquiring a majority holding in Enovasense we have gained a young dynamic team with a promising technology and a proven track record in the French market. Enovasense’s products perfectly complement our high-quality monitoring and 3D metrology portfolio. Furthermore, the customers of Enovasense as well as ours can benefit from our worldwide sales and service network.”

Jean Inard-Charvin, the co-founder and Président of Enovasense, sees not only the financial side of the deal but, in particular, the sales power of the Precitec Group : “Enovasense and Precitec share the conviction that the value we provide to our customers comes from cutting-edge technology. This shared DNA and Precitec’s network will allow Enovasense to bring more value to more customers.” Geoffrey Bruno, the co-founder and Directeur Général of Enovasense, adds that “integrating a large and renowned group such as Precitec will allow Enovasense to provide customers with a global presence and service”.

Il team Enovasense di Parigi fa ora parte del Gruppo Precitec

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