Regional affiliation and support of charitable organizations

In 2016 we have decided to support again regional, charitable establishments financially. This year, our donations go to “Die Brücke”, the city of Neu-Isenburg and the “Nummer gegen Kummer” in the Frankfurt / Neu-Isenburg area, as well as to the hospice for children in Karlsruhe and the city of Gaggenau.

Some of the establishments will use the financial help to develop their infrastructure. But investments can also be done in training and continuing education of qualified personal. This is particularly important when dealing with persons which have been traumatized by war in their home countries and lost a member of their family.

On 16th and 21st December we have welcomed representatives of the different organizations in our offices in Gaggenau and Neu-Isenburg to hand over the donations. We are very glad that this year we have been able again to support benevolent establishments instead of making Christmas gifts.

We wish you a good start in the New Year!

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