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Lasermaterialbearbeitung LASER World of Photonics

Tecnologia laser


LASER World of Photonics 2019

In the week from June 24th to June 27th 2019 the LASER World of Photonics took place in Munich. Precitec was present with a booth as well. The focus…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Laserschweissloesungen fuer die E Mobilitaet

Tecnologia laser


Laser Welding Solutions for E-Mobility

With the increased demand for electric motors and battery cells there is a rising need for laser welding solutions of copper and aluminum as well as…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Laserauftragschweissen LMD und 3D Druck

Tecnologia laser


Laser Metal Deposition and 3D Printing

As the catchphrase “3D printing” has found its way into business circles and the related press the innovative steps with respect to the use of a laser…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Dicke Stahl Aluminium Schweissverbidnungen auch im Schiffbau

Tecnologia laser


Thick steel-aluminum welded joints also in shipbuilding

The use of mixed compounds in shipbuilding is complex and cost-intensive. Therefore, a laser welding process with welding depth measurement was…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Ausbildungsforum 2019 in Sinzheim

Tecnologia laser


Vocational training fair in Sinzheim

In this year, we continued to attend the “Ausbildungsforum” in Sinzheim as exhibitors. The industrial clerk trainees Markus Völkl and Ann-Kathrin…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Inkubator fuer frische Ideen

Tecnologia laser


Inkcubator for fresh ideas

Precitec is now pursuing various development approaches in the field of industrial digitization and networking via the incubator. In the so-called…

News Image blank

Tecnologia laser


Additive Manufacturing - New Process Improves Speed and Reliability

Siemens published a great article about 3D-printing as the most successful production technologies during this time.

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Precitec WeldMaster ScanTrack

Tecnologia laser


Precitec WeldMaster ScanTrack & Inspect – Process and quality control of laser beam remote welding for body-in-white work

Numerous trends characterise the use of lasers in the automotive area. The use of high-strength steels, weight-saving aluminium alloy, innovative…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Precitec erhaelt Forschungssiegel

Tecnologia laser


Precitec receives research seal "Innovative through Research"

As one of the largest private economy sponsors in Germany, the Stifterverband awards research-based companies the seal of "Innovative through…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung: Mit Draht in die Zukunft der additiven Fertigung

Tecnologia laser


Pushing wire into the future of additive manufacturing

New solution for laser cladding with the CoaxPrinter.

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