
Prism Award 2023 for Flying Spot Scanner 310

3D 계측


Precitec 3D Metrology wins SPIE Prism Award 2023

Yesterday evening, Precitec Optronik GmbH was awarded the prestigious Prism Award 2023 in the "Test and Measurement" category for the FSS 310 sensor…

The Enovasense team in Paris is now part of the Precitec Group

3D 계측


Precitec acquires majority stake in Paris-based Enovasense

Precitec has acquired a majority stake in the French start-up Enovasense with its technology to measure the thickness of all kinds of coatings on any…

LASCAM systems becomes official distributor of Precitec

레이저 기술


LASCAM 시스템이 Precitec의 공식 대리점이 됨

LASCAM 시스템은 Precitec과 공식 협력을 발표했습니다. 최근 LASCAM은 체코, 헝가리, 슬로바키아에서 Precitec의 전체 레이저 공정 헤드 및 품질 모니터링 시스템 포트폴리오의 유일한 공식 유통업체가 되었습니다. 여기에는 보증 및 사후 보증 서비스와…

Precitec at Euroblech 2022

레이저 기술


EuroBLECH in Hanover

We returned from this year's EuroBLECH in Hanover with a consistently positive summary. As the largest trade fair for the sheet metal working…

Precitec is building at the main location in Gaggenau

레이저 기술


Foundation stone for further growth

On Monday, 25.07.2022, the official laying of the foundation stone of the new building at the main location in Gaggenau took place with…

Precitec is part of the bi.Smart project

레이저 기술


New joint project: bi.smart

Digitization shouldn´t stop at internal process improvements, but should apply into the service offerings of manufacturing companies. Innovative…

CoaxPrinter awarded

레이저 기술


CoaxPrinter가 상을 수상했습니다. - 자랑스럽게 생각합니다!

지난주 우리는 상하이의 Laser World of Photonics에서 다시 전시하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. 시작 하루 전 우리는 Jonyao Award를 수상하게되어 매우 자랑스러웠습니다. Jonyao Award위원회 위원으로 구성된 심사위원단은 CoaxPrin…

Titanium star flange with 3D printing for aerospace

레이저 기술


Titanium star flange for the aerospace industry

The aerospace industry is one of the leading industries in the use of additive manufacturing. Lightweight and freedom of construction, lead time and…

Multilayer Glass Measurement

3D 계측


Sharp imaging in head-up display (HUD) for automotive glass.

Would your laminated glass pass the eye test? 

The demand for high-precision multilayer thickness measurements for laminated glass is growing.…

open trainings

레이저 기술


Become an expert - new training sessions

The next appointments for our open ProCutter training courses are scheduled for September and October. These will be held in Gaggenau, Germany with a…

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