
Vaccination campaign at Precitec

3D Metrology


Vaccination at Precitec

In cooperation with the city of Gaggenau, Germany, Precitec has succeeded in offering Corona vaccination to all interested employees at the German…

Precitec is part of the bi.Smart project

Laser Technology


New joint project:

Digitization shouldn´t stop at internal process improvements, but should apply into the service offerings of manufacturing companies. Innovative…

CoaxPrinter awarded

Laser Technology


CoaxPrinter won an Award - we are proud!

Last week we had the pleasure to exhibit again at the Laser World of Photonics in Shanghai. One day before begin we were very proud to get awarded…

Precitec´s donation in 2020



Regional solidarity and social commitment

Even in such challenging times, we want to fulfill our social responsibility and provide financial support for important regional projects and local…

Titanium Flange with 3D printing

Laser Technology


Titanium star flange for the aerospace industry

The aerospace industry is one of the leading industries in the use of additive manufacturing. Lightweight and freedom of construction, lead time and…

open trainings

Laser Technology


Become an expert - new training sessions

The next appointments for our open ProCutter training courses are scheduled for September and October. These will be held in Gaggenau, Germany with a…

New website

3D Metrology


Our new website is online

We are very pleased to welcome you to our new homepage.

After optical, technical and above all contentwise revision, the website is now launched –…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Unsere Preistraeger bringen Licht ins Dunkel

Laser Technology


Innovation is our business - then and now

The ICALEO 2019 took place in October in Orlando, USA. It is one of the most important international conferences in the field of laser material…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung Gemeinsames Automotive OPEN HOUSE

Laser Technology


Automotive OPEN HOUSE @ Blackbird supported by Precitec

On the last evening of the LASER World of Photonics, the joint open house of Blackbird Robotersysteme GmbH and Precitec GmbH & Co. KG opened its doors…

Lasermaterialbearbeitung LASER World of Photonics

Laser Technology


LASER World of Photonics 2019

In the week from June 24th to June 27th 2019 the LASER World of Photonics took place in Munich. Precitec was present with a booth as well. The focus…

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