Repairs and accessories
Precitec Optronik has traditionally set high standards in the quality and durability of its products. But if a fault should occur, detailed trouble-shooting tables in our User Manuals will help you analyze and correct it.
However, if the fault cannot be corrected, you can also contact Precitec Optronik directly.
The support team will assist you individually in all your sensor-related requirements. If repair or maintenance work is needed, we will provide help fast, as well as answering any questions you may have about additional accessories or orders for spare parts.
If this is the case, please have the following device details ready:
- Model (item number 50XXXX)
- Serial number
- Version number (firmware und additional software)
- Accessories in use
To ensure your repair request is processed fast we recommend you download the repair form HM400 and proceed as follows:
- Click here for the online repair form HM400
- Fill out all the relevant fields in the repair form HM400 on your PC
- Print out the form
- Attach the form to your delivery
- You don’t need to e-mail us the form in advance
Where to send the defect sensor and form depends on where you bought the product:
1. Product bought from Precitec Optronik in Germany:
Please send the defect sensor, the additional components (above all the optical probe) and the completed repair form HM 400 to:
Precitec Optronik GmbH
Repair Center
Schleussnerstraße 54
65263 Neu-Isenburg
2. Product bought from Precitec elsewhere in the world:
Please contact your local Precitec sales office for details of where to send the defect sensor, the additional components (above all the optical probe) and the completed repair form HM 400.
If you do not have a local Precitec sales office, please contact Precitec Optronik GmbH in Germany
+49 (0)6102 3676 100
3. Product bought from your OEM system integrator:
Please contact your system integrator for details of where to send the defect sensor, the additional components (above all the optical probe) and the completed repair form HM 400.